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Sinochem jiangsu held middle management improvement training

In order to improve the company middle manager management consciousness and skills, promote keystaff team construction, in order to combine with the group company management promotion requirem-ents, on September 8,Sinochem Jiangsu  invited sinochem group management institute Professor Su-ZhenHai  to come to nanjing for  holding  for middlelevel management improve training.This training course is  for the <<efficient management, exc-  ellent and execution >>, which took  for one day.

Company general manager team   paid high attention to the training, the company general manager  dongjianhua  and manager assistant to  ZhangLing  participated in the training, and joined with  students together for  positive interaction. Before the end of the course,  general manager mr. dongjianhua delivered speeches, expressed gratitude to  group college of management, emphasized  we should summarize from training and used what we  learned to  practical work. Participation inthe middle manager said the training is very instructive , will play very important for the management work in the future.